1(a) Explain
significant ways through which both Kiswahili and English can be meaningfully
used as media of instruction in T/L process both primary and secondary;
In this system two languages
of instruction are used, Kiswahili is used at the primary schools and primary
school teacher’s colleges (grade A) while English serves as the language of
instruction at the post primary level and at some private primary schools.
learners can be helped competently and meaningfully learning using two
different languages and still maintain the required learning outcomes and cultivate positive skills, knowledge and
attitudes for individual and national development in number or ways;
1. Both of the two
languages, Kiswahili and English should be used as the medium of instruction
from the pre primary to higher level of education and not separately at
different stages of education. For the primary education, Kiswahili should be
used as the language of instruction in subjects like humanities, religious
education, arts, vocational and environment studies, while for the critical
subjects such as sciences and polytechnic subjects, English should be used.
This should be done for the whole primary education and by so doing, pupils
will grow up with the two languages, hence no switching from one language to
another as how it is today in Tanzania, (Clegg (2007). At secondary level,
English should be used as the medium of instruction while Kiswahili should be
the compulsory subject up to the ordinary level, (United Republic of Tanzania –
URT, 1995: 35).

The management environment
should be transformed at all levels. This can be achieved by putting into place
incentives that encourage and reward individuals, groups and firms to embrace
initiative, creativity, innovativeness and excellence. This transformation must
be reflected in the education system, training institutions, recruitment and
promotion process and in business culture.
There should be good infrastructures that creates good environment for the
learners to learn, especially well designed libraries with enough text,
references books and story books which can develop the level of language. Also
learning aids are important, these may be CDs which may aid in pronunciation,
charts and posters to promote the language which seems to be difficult
should also be integrated in education where learners can be able to access
dialogues and debates from the internet for developing their level of language
and through watching different programmes on the TV.
should be efficient learning resources, both physical and personal resources.
Well prepared competent and committed teachers are very important in helping
learners to learn meaningful and competently. Teachers who are good in language
and who master well their subject of specializations tends to inspire their
learners to perform well in their studies. There should be also enough and well
designed resource centers for example libraries with enough books especially
story books which can develop language skills and other facilities
There have been negative attitudes among the Africans themselves towards their
own indigenous languages that they cannot do better when used in education
systems as the medium of instruction (Owino (2002), therefore in order to help
them to learn meaningful and competently using two different languages and
still maintain the required learning outcomes, an effortful job should be done
to suppress these negative attitudes towards indigenous African languages
both Kiswahili and English languages should be integrated in all levels of
education as the media of instruction and teachers should be well prepared in
both pedagogical and content mastery. But unfortunately, there is inadequate
linkage between the professional and the academic subjects; hence this has led
all subjects to appear disjointed, thus reducing performance and efficiency in
the teacher education.
- Transform the education system so that it can develop the human capital in tandem with the socio-economic changes envisaged in the Vision 2025. The curriculum at various levels of education should be overhauled along side the needs of implementing the vision 2025.
Evaluate the possible negative impact of role of language of instruction
mastery to both teachers and students in affecting the performance of both
primary and secondary xul stds in national xamz in Tanzania .Give 4 impact;
Ø Both learners and teachers at all levels of education lack
proficiency in the mastery of English. Where English is used as a language of
instruction, lack of proficiency undermines the ability of teachers and
learners to interact effectively during
the learning process..
In cost benefit analysis terms the choice of Language of Instruction
(LOI) needs to be determined on the basis of five variables, namely its
effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, sustainability and equity. The role of
English in relation to regional integration is a relevant factor. In any case,
both Kiswahili and English will be taught more effectively as subjects at
respective levels. Furthermore, the modalities of the possible adoption of
Kiswahili as a language of teaching and learning will be explored more.
Ø Mass
failure of students; the use of two languages in
Tanzanian system of education seems to be not useful because of the mass
failure of students on the certificate of secondary education examination
(CSEE) compared to the performance of the pupils joining the secondary level.
Ø Poor
understanding of the examination and
instructions; this lead to poor interpretation
of examination instructions and the
questions. The poor understanding of the whole examination lead to failure in
examination.Eaxample; a lot of stds in secondary xuls fail to understand the
questions in English language while they can attempt well the same question in
Kiswahili language.
Ø Delivery
of wrong pedagogical content to students; a lot of
Tanzanian teacher in secondary school, colleges and universities still face the
problem in mastering the language of instruction which is English. This poor
mastering of language lead to wrong delivery of content to students.
2.”Teachers are the
engineers of the human soul and the gardeners of the nation’s flowers;
v Meaning
of Engineers of the human soul
Ø Teachers should be role models to the society and society at large
in all sectors including religious, economically, socially and cultural
sectors. A teacher should follow professional code of conduct which guides
hm/hr as a role model.
Ø Teacher should provide
guidance and counseling to each individual learner so as to shape the learner
both physical and spiritual behaviors so as to create competent students who
know the values of humanity and society
v Meaning
of the gardeners of the nation’s flowers
Ø Teachers
are responsible for sharing basic knowledge which will enable students to
develop into different professionals such as, doctors, teachers, lawyers,
technicians, economist, engineers etc. All these professionals are required by
the nation to promote economic, social, cultural and political development.
(b) Role of the teacher
teacher is responsible to the learner/child under his/her care. He/she has to
guide a student a student to his mental and physical development.
teacher has to serve the employer faithfully and in accordance to the terms of
v TO
teacher must understand and fulfill the obligations of the state.
v TO
teacher must adhere admit that teaching is a professional and has to adhere to
standard of professional conduct, working deligently, setting a good example
and adhere to professional services.
v TO
Ø A teacher should contribute in all development
projects in his/her society.
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